It rained last night. Why is that important? Because it meant the hour long ride to Mbuguni wouldn't be as dusty...or so we thought. But once we arrived we were warmly greeted by Nyari, the Pastor of the church there. After introductions and some "Africa time" discussions about our plans, we headed to the primary (elementary) school to meet some kids. Did we ever meet some kids!

Soccer appears to be a universal language and the entire team was involved in some sort of activity from soccer to painting nails to reading children's books, to other ball type games. Even the school principal played. Today I was reminded of the passage from Proverbs 19:21 that says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." We went to Mbugni with the good plan of providing three water filters to various families. What we found was that God had a great plan to give the school a water filter as a gift from the church. So on Thursday, we are meeting with as many of the kids and parents as possible to demonstrate and teach the benefits and use of the water filter. We are finding that the kids will be the first to adopt the new concepts and encourage their parents to accept the new way of doing water purification. So rather than three families, God is providing the bigger part of the community with a blessing. More on this on Thursday's blog.

We did present the water filter to Nyari and his wife in the afternoon. What a blessing to see the look of amazement on their faces when they saw the before and after of their drinking
They eagerly wanted to drink the pure water and said they can't wait to use it and share it. Another blessing was when Nyari said that Jesus cleans our hearts the same way the filter cleans the water. He concluded, "Once clean, who would ever want to go back to being dirty again?" God is Good!