Kim teaching the children the story of Easter and Christmas. Church at Moshono.
The creative toys the children who have nothing come up with. This little one has been a blessing to us as he is always around with a smile.
Making due with the raw materials available. We put siding on Prospers church. Yes that is Mary Pat hammering the siding on. We were able to do two sides of the church today. The women painted alot of fingernails, gave whistles, buttons, and bubbles away. The kids were so happy when they learned how to catch a bubble on the bubble wand.
Side of Church. Almost done!
Our main construction crew; Arron, Mike, Vincent, Will, Larry
While the guys were working on the siding, Kim and Mary Pat went into the home of a local woman and her daughter, to install a water filtration system. There was an infant there with pink eye which really made me sad. Something so simple to cure in the States, the Africans must live with. The weather has held up for us with no rain. THe community has come to meet us and are getting used to seeing and interacting with the team. We eat boxed lunches each day and really enjoy them. The food has been excellent. Nothing like last trip, have not had any rice and beans, however the church we are working on does not have a bathroom so maybe that's a good thing. Everyday we spend here is such a blessing to each team member. Keep us all in your prayers as there is defiantly a spiritual warfare going on over here. Sending love home.
Mary Pat
I with I could be there with you! The church looks great you guys!!
Looks fabulous...sounds like you are having a quite a time. Sending prayers daily! Love to all - Kristin and boys
Father, I pray for those out in the mission fields, spreading the good news of the Gospel. Matt. 13:38
They have seen their brother's needs and have not shut up their hearts from them. 1 John 3:17
Sending prayers daily for you, Thom and Kathy Baxter
Outstanding siding work guys! Is Mary Pat now ready to come back home to help me with some second story siding?
Prayers all around for each of you continue!
Momma, Proud of you for doing hard work! keep strong. love ya, carson.
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