Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Reflections from our team" - Thursday evening

Bob Huffman wrote:

(Lindsey, his granddaughter is typing this, so forgive me if I misspell a name, as his handwriting is rather difficult to decipher.)

Greetings to all my encouragers in Titusville, FL. To: Al, J.C., Paul & Marilyn, Eldou and Georgie, Jean Sevair Delores, Joe Leet, Bob & Verna, Bob Bates, Bob Nelson, Charles Massey, Wayne Tuihei, Ike Rigell.

All I can say is wow and wow again. I am definitely out of my comfort zone. So much poverty here and prices so high. Diesel fuel about $8.00 per gallon. Groceries very expensive, wages very low, so many people with no jobs. How blessed we are. Yet people here seem to be happy and content.

They really respect senior citizens here. I really get a lot of respect. Nearly tempted to move to Tanzania (Not!!) People are very courteous, helpful and want to do everything for us.

Work at church (HPCC) has went well. Painting, foundation for water tank, seminars and teaching went well. Kids love attention and affection.

Thanks to all for notes of encouragement and prayers.

Love in Christ,
Bob Huffman


Anonymous said...

Dad - glad to hear you're still alive and kicking. If they respect senior citizens so much then you must get A LOT of respect being as OLD as you are. Tell em about your AARP card and I bet they go wild. Seriously, I hear good things and am excited for you all. I can not wait to see the NEW hairdo. You truly surprised me on that one. Proud of you for stepping outside that comfort zone. Love Ya - Byron

john said...

Please let the group know we are praying for you daily. And PLEASE tell DEANNA how much we LOVE and MISS her. We are thinking of all of you every step of the way. Jonathan, Jennifer and Gabe and I are talking about you every day. Keep doing well...its a long way til August 16! Much love! John